The social studies curriculum at Orono Middle School explores the interconnectedness of various disciplines of the social sciences. Sixth grade students examine themes of geography including location, movement, and human environment interaction. Investigation of Ancient Civilizations and Maine Native Studies weave a historical global tapestry that provides students with a frame of reference for future years of social studies exploration.
Seventh grade commences with a unit on tolerance and diversity in historical and present day times that sets the tone and foundation for the year. Through reading, writing, discussion, reflection, and debate, students gain an understanding of the importance of respecting differences and appreciating diversity in our school, our local community, our country and our world. Building on this framework, students will study additional social studies topics including civics, current events, political and editorial cartoons, economics, geography, and Maine history.
The eighth-grade curriculum approaches Social Studies by learning how and why the major eras of U.S. History, from the Civil War to the present day, impact Civics, Economy, Geography, and Government in everyday lives in today’s world. This curriculum couples coverage of contemporary issues with a chronological approach to American History. It includes the study of American land, the American people, and the American heritage.