Welcome to Orono Middle School


OMS Parents, Students and Community Members,

A friendly reminder that quarter 2 ends this week on Friday, January 24. Students are encouraged to keep an eye on their grades (check PowerSchool) and contact teachers with questions before the quarter closes.

Linked here is the January 21st Edition of The Crimson Chronicle - our weekly parent newsletter. The Crimson Chronicle is updated during the school year and sent out to parents via school messenger at the start of each week. In addition to the end of the quarter this week I wish our our athletic teams all the best as they prepare for our end of season tournaments and competitions coming in February.

This week's OMS athletic schedule is linked here - Athletic Schedule.

Wishing all a fantastic week ahead.


Richard Glencross, OMS Principal

Red Riot News - This links to our student athletic news publication.

What's Happening